Downtown businesses show their City Pride!

Noteology has been named the Scranton Tomorrow Downtown Business Class winner in the Electric City Flower Show. Scranton Tomorrow officials presented the team with a trophy in honor of their achievement. From left; Carol Deeley, Kierstin Miller, Danielle Fleming and Mark Bonfiglio, owners of Noteology, Maddie Brown, Steve Ward, and Laura Haarmeyer.
Congratulations to Noteology for earning top honors as Scranton Tomorrow's Downtown Business Class winner in the Electric City Flower Show! As part of the Scranton City Pride First Friday Celebration in June, members of the community voted online for their favorite floral displays. By popular vote, Noteology's creative container display at 537 Wyoming Avenue won. Scranton Tomorrow officials recently presented owners Danielle Fleming and Mark Bonfiglio, and the Noteology team, with a trophy in celebration of their achievement.
The contest was a new initiative developed by Scranton Tomorrow to increase foot traffic to downtown businesses, and encourage business owners to join in the fun of Scranton City Pride beautification projects.
"We were thrilled with the level of participation from local business owners," said Liz Baldi, Business Development Director, Scranton Tomorrow. "Sixteen businesses submitted entries. All of the displays were beautiful and creative, and they truly enhanced our downtown landscape. There was such enthusiasm from business owners, and the community, that we've decided to make this contest an annual tradition during Scranton City Pride."
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